Thursday, 11 February 2010

HMV - Cardiff Queen's Street

Ok, so this is the first one. I've asked friends and family for the first few until people submit their own, unassisted.

"Just before Christmas, you know what it's like. Everyone rushing around buying crap for the season. Well, I was buying my Aunt Susan Boyle's CD. I was embarrassed enough.

Got the CD home, case all cracked.

Return to store
(HMV Cardiff, Queen's Street). Really, really surly staff member (red hair, emo washout) looking at me like I'm such a loser for buying a bit of SuBo. Explained it was for elderly Aunt. She started to mess around trying to replace the box, taking all the inserts out.

I explained that the CD would look used by the time it was given, replete with crumpled inserts. She gave me the look of death. The I gave her the look of death. It ended with me getting a replacement CD and her telling me to f-off. Not a good morning Christmas shopping.

Not the most major rant, but enough to start you off!"

This one does seem rather tame. I could have done better myself. But there you go.

HMV Cardiff, Queens Street; Poor service mark.

Right to reply; If you own, manage or work at this outlet, please email your comments over.

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